Sunday 14 June 2015

O____o Vhy are people so veird?

Hallo. Ja. My name is Naike, Naike zhe awesome. Ich love stuff. Stuff like papers, carpets, unmoving objects, zhings zhat don't actually exist, anime characters... You know, normal stuff. Ich can also eat people. Ich like to eat people. Ich love zhe crunching sound of zheir bones und zheir flesh. HAIL ZHE BLOB FISH. Ja. Ich have a cute little dog. It is a zhree headed dog vith no legs and a fish tail. Ich also love vaffles. VAFFLES SHALL FOREVER BE AWESOME. Also, ich have kidnapped a lot of strange stuff. Ich love Doitsu. Doitsu ist love. Doitsu ist life. Doitsu ist everyzhing. EVERYONE LOVE LORD DOITSU. Danke. Und, ja.


  1. That dog looks really cute. Is it related to the blob fish?

    1. Actually, it is. Its heads are blob fishes.

  2. I want one of those. Gimme a blob-fish-headed-dog.

  3. *gives you a blob-fish-headed-dog and a cookie* Zhere
