Sunday 14 June 2015

All hail the blob fish

Hello there, dear victim. I don't know how you stumbled upon this page, but I'll make you regret it. Have you ever wondered what happens if a spear goes through your head? No? Well, I don't care. If you are a normal person, this will not happen to you. HOWEVER, if you are a total weirdo like me, it will. And you'll have to get used to it. So. This is what happens. You are walking around the countryside. There are some mountains in the background. You are just strolling around like a normal person. Thinking of beautiful blob fish and waffles and flying waffle whale dudes. Then it starts raining spears. You don't care, of course. You are used to it, as I said earlier. One spear just so happens to impale your skull. You notice it once you have heard that cracking sound, which is your head and neck, now completly covered in red. You then proceed to gently move your head from side to side, if the spear just so happens to allow some movement of the neck. Hear that splashing sound inside your skull? It's brain juice. Juicy, juicy, brain juice. Now calmly extract it from your ruptured skull without getting little pieces of bone in it. If you have pieces of bone then it's no good. You want to put it in a jar and tightly close the lid. Swim to the nearest deep sea without getting eaten by anything along the way and open the jar. Kindly splash it into the water and wacht  how it sinks. If it doesn't sink, push it until it does. Flee as fast as you can or carnivorous creatures will come and eat you. You don't want to be eaten because you are one of the few brain juice supplies in the world. Now your brain juice will sink to the natural habitat of the blob fish so they can feast upon it. Be happy. You have contributed to the noble cause of feeding blob fish. Don't worry about your brain. It will grow in a week or two. Meanwhile, you will look like you are on drugs. If it doesn't grow back, you do not serve the blob fish any longer. Your brain will grow the size of a peanut and you will end up throwing yourself from a bridge. All hail the blob fish.

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