Monday 22 June 2015

Incredible animals

I'm sorry. I'm bored on my last lesson of ICT and I have no idea what to do. I love animals and these are very veird random ones that I've been knowing for a long time and want to share with my awesome prussian pushicorns. ADD ALLITERATION. ALL ALLITERATION. ALWAYS. Zowy, english lessons are driving me crazy.

The super adorably cute "Dumbo octopus"
The incredibly horrifying "Goblin shark"
It is a "living fossil" which means that it has been around quite some time now.

The "deer mouse" that seems to be a miracle of nature.
It is a mouse that looks like a deer.

For people that are surprised when they see the percentage of animals that have not been discovered, aproximatedly, obiously, I just want to let them know that we know more about the moon that our own seas. For people who think that our planet has already been discovered, that is not true. For example: a classmate and me were the only ones that knew what the Mariana Trench was, which I find really sad. Knowing more about our planet would not only help the curiosity of a girl who posts on a random blog as "pushicorn?", but also our own race with development. Some treatments for diseases and poisons are being discovered in new species of animals and plants. It would also help understand how our planet and all it's creatures were created. So don't think that you know everything about Earth, investigate and you will find incredible creatures, either on the internet or by your own foot.


  1. *Claps* You, my girl, are amazing B)

    1. Or really bored on the last ICT lesson

    2. Well, you are Prussian so... You're still very awesome

    3. Yay! I was going to say that you are a waffle but... that's weird. You get the idea anyway
