Monday 22 June 2015


IT'S NAIKE ONCE AGAIN. Who loves Breaking Benjamin???? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! It's actually an alternative rock/post grunge band that I really love. They just released their new album and it's amazing you guys should check it out. It's called Dark Before Dawn. YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE IT. Trust me. You can trust me. You should trust me. You must trust me. If you love rock, check it out. Just. Do it. And dance. And eat potatoes. And be my little pushicorn doitsuists. And hail zhe awesome blob fish. Und, ja.

This, kids, is my Doitsu punching strange...aliens...

Incredible animals

I'm sorry. I'm bored on my last lesson of ICT and I have no idea what to do. I love animals and these are very veird random ones that I've been knowing for a long time and want to share with my awesome prussian pushicorns. ADD ALLITERATION. ALL ALLITERATION. ALWAYS. Zowy, english lessons are driving me crazy.

The super adorably cute "Dumbo octopus"
The incredibly horrifying "Goblin shark"
It is a "living fossil" which means that it has been around quite some time now.

The "deer mouse" that seems to be a miracle of nature.
It is a mouse that looks like a deer.

For people that are surprised when they see the percentage of animals that have not been discovered, aproximatedly, obiously, I just want to let them know that we know more about the moon that our own seas. For people who think that our planet has already been discovered, that is not true. For example: a classmate and me were the only ones that knew what the Mariana Trench was, which I find really sad. Knowing more about our planet would not only help the curiosity of a girl who posts on a random blog as "pushicorn?", but also our own race with development. Some treatments for diseases and poisons are being discovered in new species of animals and plants. It would also help understand how our planet and all it's creatures were created. So don't think that you know everything about Earth, investigate and you will find incredible creatures, either on the internet or by your own foot.

Sunday 14 June 2015


Join us. Be a Doitsuist. Hail zhe Great Lord Doitsu. He vill protect you, forever. He vill make you shine bright. You vill shine bright like a Doitsu.

Flying waffle whale dude

What would happen if flying mint bunny and whale dude had an offspring?

Have you noticed that it says: Iggy's tea on the tea cup?

Blobfish related stuff 2


Naike is going to kill me... WHO CARES? LETS HAVE A BLOBFISH PARTY IN HERE.

Blobfish related stuff

OH MY BLOB FISH!!! I found this incredible things that have to be mine right now, I guess you're thinking the same. WE ARE NOT ALONE PEOPLE. And by people I mean Naike.

I know. You are too cute, blobfish. So..
Have you seen them out of water? They look like normal fish. I don't know why people hate them.

O____o Vhy are people so veird?

Hallo. Ja. My name is Naike, Naike zhe awesome. Ich love stuff. Stuff like papers, carpets, unmoving objects, zhings zhat don't actually exist, anime characters... You know, normal stuff. Ich can also eat people. Ich like to eat people. Ich love zhe crunching sound of zheir bones und zheir flesh. HAIL ZHE BLOB FISH. Ja. Ich have a cute little dog. It is a zhree headed dog vith no legs and a fish tail. Ich also love vaffles. VAFFLES SHALL FOREVER BE AWESOME. Also, ich have kidnapped a lot of strange stuff. Ich love Doitsu. Doitsu ist love. Doitsu ist life. Doitsu ist everyzhing. EVERYONE LOVE LORD DOITSU. Danke. Und, ja.

All hail the blob fish

Hello there, dear victim. I don't know how you stumbled upon this page, but I'll make you regret it. Have you ever wondered what happens if a spear goes through your head? No? Well, I don't care. If you are a normal person, this will not happen to you. HOWEVER, if you are a total weirdo like me, it will. And you'll have to get used to it. So. This is what happens. You are walking around the countryside. There are some mountains in the background. You are just strolling around like a normal person. Thinking of beautiful blob fish and waffles and flying waffle whale dudes. Then it starts raining spears. You don't care, of course. You are used to it, as I said earlier. One spear just so happens to impale your skull. You notice it once you have heard that cracking sound, which is your head and neck, now completly covered in red. You then proceed to gently move your head from side to side, if the spear just so happens to allow some movement of the neck. Hear that splashing sound inside your skull? It's brain juice. Juicy, juicy, brain juice. Now calmly extract it from your ruptured skull without getting little pieces of bone in it. If you have pieces of bone then it's no good. You want to put it in a jar and tightly close the lid. Swim to the nearest deep sea without getting eaten by anything along the way and open the jar. Kindly splash it into the water and wacht  how it sinks. If it doesn't sink, push it until it does. Flee as fast as you can or carnivorous creatures will come and eat you. You don't want to be eaten because you are one of the few brain juice supplies in the world. Now your brain juice will sink to the natural habitat of the blob fish so they can feast upon it. Be happy. You have contributed to the noble cause of feeding blob fish. Don't worry about your brain. It will grow in a week or two. Meanwhile, you will look like you are on drugs. If it doesn't grow back, you do not serve the blob fish any longer. Your brain will grow the size of a peanut and you will end up throwing yourself from a bridge. All hail the blob fish.